l a& &&#TNPPx2OMi & TNPP &&TNPP    --- !------ !2.s,---w@G ww0- &Tsv&--=- $Ts^s^T- $^shsh^- $hsrsrh- $rsvsvr---&& 33--- !2,9--- &`&--KK- $`jj`- $jttj- $t~~t- $~~---&& & H&--&&- $I l vIDD- $I v Ikk- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I $I I&&&- & $ HH&&-&& &&-&&I &&- $I l vIDD- $I v Ikk- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I- $I I $I I&- --&& --- !ohP--- &/&--- $/99/ - $9CC9###- $CMMC&&&- $MWWM)))- $WaaW,,,- $akka///- $kuuk222- $uu555- $888- $<<<- $???- $CCC- $FFF- $JJJ- $LLL- $OOO- $SSS- $WWW- $[[[- $^^^- $bbb- $  fff- $  jjj- $nnn- $))rrr- $)33)vvv- $3==3zzz- $=GG=~~~- $GQQG- $Q[[Q- $[ee[- $eooe- $oyyo- $yy- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $##- $#--#- $-77-- $7AA7- $AKKA- $KUUK- $U__U- $_ii_- $issi- $s}}s- $}}- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $- $  - $  - $- $'' $'11'- $1;;1- $;EE; $EOOE- $OYYO- $YccY $cmmc $mwwm- $ww $- $---&& &_)& &_& && @"Tahomaw@1 ww0- . 2 }1 .--Ay-- @"Tahomaw@G ww0- 33.2 Sample Problem!1! ! ! 2.---- 33@"Tahomaw@1 ww0- .a2 <Burning coal to fuel electrical power plants results in the                 . .K2 .-formation of the pollutant Sulfur dioxide, SO             .@"Tahomaw@G ww0- . 2 $2.@"Tahomaw@1 ww0- . 2 . . .@2 C.&Through a series of reactions, this SO         .@"Tahomaw@G ww0- . 2 L2 .@"Tahomaw@1 !ww0- .2 Ccan react with     . .2 k.the O  .@"Tahomaw@G 'ww0- . 2 t2 .@"Tahomaw@1 #ww0- .2 kand H .@"Tahomaw@G )ww0- . 2 t2 .@"Tahomaw@1 %ww0- .@2 k&O in the air to produce sulfuric acid            . . 2 .(H.@"Tahomaw@G 1ww0- . 2 U2H.@"Tahomaw@1 'ww0- . 2 cSO.@"Tahomaw@G 3ww0- . 2 4O.@"Tahomaw@1 )ww0- .B2 ') according to the equation given here:         . . 2 h2 H3 .@"Tahomaw@G Bww0- . 2 2O.@"Tahomaw@1 +ww0- .2  O (l) + O   .@"Tahomaw@G Dww0- . 2 ^2O.@"Tahomaw@1 -ww0- .2 l (g) + 2 SO   .@"Tahomaw@G Fww0- . 2 *2O.@"Tahomaw@1 /ww0- . 2 D(g)  . . 2 -- . .2 > 2 H  .@"Tahomaw@G Jww0- . 2 2-.@"Tahomaw@1 1ww0- . 2  SO.@"Tahomaw@G Lww0- . 2 84O.@"Tahomaw@1 3ww0- . 2 F(aq). .Z2 (.7If 0.500 g of sulfur dioxide reacts with the water and                  . .I2 P.,oxygen in the atmosphere, how many grams of           . .32 x.sulfuric acid will be formed?        .--"System 0-&TNPP &