Become a cen-chemjobs Partner! is a comprehensive online career and employment service for the chemical sciences community. It allows for the posting and searching of job ads and resumes and provides associated services. Cen-chemjobs is also an expert source of employment trends, data, information, and issues for the chemical community. To become a partner, contact us at .
Our Partners:
AOAC International is committed to being a proactive, worldwide provider and facilitator in the development, use, and harmonization of validated analytical methods and laboratory quality assurance programs and services. offers news, career-management tools, job listing and resources for executives, managers, and professionals. offers similar information for undergraduates, graduate students, and job seekers who have recently graduated from college. Both sites are published by Dow Jones & Co., publisher of The Wall Street Journal.
DCAT – The Drug, Chemical & Associated Technologies Association has a long tradition of bringing people and companies together. In order to facilitate that, DCAT has implemented the Opportunities Search on This site allows DCAT member companies, involved in the pharmaceutical, chemical, nutritional and related industries, to post open positions on the Opportunities Search.
NOBCChE – The National Organization for the Professional Advancement of Black Chemists and Chemical Engineers (NOBCChE) is dedicated to increasing the number of African-Americans pursuing careers in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. As such NOBCChE represents more advanced degree African-American chemists and chemical engineers than any other organization in the United States.
The National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) is the leading source of information for career services practitioners on college campuses who advise students and alumni in career development and the employment process and for human resources professionals who recruit and hire college graduates. is a custom paper writing service. Custom papers our authors write undergo several checks in order to eliminate any inconsistencies so as we could deliver a product of the highest possible quality to you. Our custom writing service employs not only professional writers, but also editors with relevant experience and profound knowledge of the English language, as well as of different subject fields.